Meier Neumann oo Sara Seelig + Sara Seelig oo Meier Neumann

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Meier Neumann oo Sara Seelig Meier Neumann oo Sara Seelig
Birth ١٩ ژانویه ١٨٤٨ -- Nentershausen
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Riegel Neumann oo Hann Bacharach Riegel Neumann oo Hann Bacharach
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Hanna Bachrach oo Ringel Neumann Hanna Bachrach oo Ringel Neumann

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Sara Seelig oo Meier Neumann Sara Seelig oo Meier Neumann
Birth ١١ آوریل ١٨٤٨ -- Solz
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Seelig Seelig oo Lea Stern Seelig Seelig oo Lea Stern
Birth -- Solz
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Lea Stern oo Seelig Seelig Lea Stern oo Seelig Seelig
Birth -- Netra
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Marriage ٣ ژوئن ١٨٧٤
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