Kaufmann Katz + Jeanette Götha-Katz

6 Children
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Abraham Katz Abraham Katz
Birth August 8, 1839 -- Zwilling
Death August 17, 1839 ‎(Age 9 days)‎ -- 10 Tage alt
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Karoline Katz Karoline Katz
Birth August 8, 1839 -- Zwilling
Death April 9, 1841 ‎(Age 20 months)‎ -- 1 Jahr, 8 Monate alt
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Samuel Katz Samuel Katz
Birth December 4, 1840
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Moses Katz Moses Katz
Birth July 10, 1842
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Regine Katz Regine Katz
Birth February 22, 1844
Death February 29, 1844 ‎(Age 7 days)‎ -- 8 Tage alt
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Regine Katz Regine Katz
Birth April 3, 1847

Parents Grandparents
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Kaufmann Katz Kaufmann Katz

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Klara NN-Katz Klara NN-Katz
Death July 25, 1849 -- 70 Jahre alt

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Deichel Götha-Abraham Deichel Götha-Abraham
Death March 19, 1849 -- 76 Jahre alt
Family Group Information
Marriage June 6, 1838

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