Levi Lindau oo Rechel Regine Plaut + Rechel Regine Plaut oo Levi Lindau

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Levi Lindau oo Rechel Regine Plaut Levi Lindau oo Rechel Regine Plaut
Birth -- Mellrichstadt

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Rechel Regine Plaut oo Levi Lindau Rechel Regine Plaut oo Levi Lindau
Birth ٢٢ مارس ١٨٣٤ مذکر38 مونث35
Death ٢٨ مارس ١٩٣٣ ‏(سن 99)‏ -- Bebra
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Heinemann Levi Plaut oo Jettchen Rothschild Heinemann Levi Plaut oo Jettchen Rothschild
Birth ١٧٩٦ -- Weiterode
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Jettchen Rothschild oo Heinemann Levi Plaut Jettchen Rothschild oo Heinemann Levi Plaut
Birth ١٧٩٩ -- Herleshausen
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