Salomon Levi Tannenbaum oo Sara Goldschmidt + Sara Goldschmidt oo Salomom L. Tannenbaum

1 Child
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Levi Tannenbaum oo Fradchen Seelig Levi Tannenbaum oo Fradchen Seelig
Birth ٦ سپتامبر ١٨٣٩ -- Wanfried

والدین پدربزرگ و مادربزرگ
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Salomon Levi Tannenbaum oo Sara Goldschmidt Salomon Levi Tannenbaum oo Sara Goldschmidt

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Sara Goldschmidt oo Salomom L. Tannenbaum Sara Goldschmidt oo Salomom L. Tannenbaum
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