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Show surname lists     Exclude married names  

Individuals with surname P

1Pappenheimer, BobMale
Bob,PappenheimerPappenheimer,Bob   4    MY100NR
2Pappenheimer, ChillMale
Chill,PappenheimerPappenheimer,Chill   0    MY100NL
3Pappenheimer, DebbiFemale
Debbi,PappenheimerPappenheimer,Debbi   0    FY100NL
4Pappenheimer, NansiMale
Nansi,PappenheimerPappenheimer,Nansi   0    MY100NL
5Pappenheimer, RosaFemale
Rosa,PappenheimerPappenheimer,Rosa   0    FY100NL
6Penham, Siegfried Oppenheim DanielMale
Siegfried Oppenheim Daniel,PenhamPenham,Siegfried Oppenheim Daniel11002386MYESY100
7Pfifferling-Apt, BerthaFemale
8Philipp, HowardMale
Howard,PhilippPhilipp,Howard   0    MY100NL
9Philipp, KurtMale
Kurt,PhilippPhilipp,Kurt   3    MY100NR
10Philipp, MosheMale
Moshe,PhilippPhilipp,Moshe   0    MY100NL
11Philipp, RuthFemale
Ruth,PhilippPhilipp,Ruth   0    FY100NL
12Preßburger, ZillyFemale
Zilly,PreßburgerPreßburger,Zilly   1116 FYESYESR
Given names

Total individuals: 12