Persones amb cognom començant per ESCHWEGE Vius l'any Vius Difunts Arrels Fulles Naixement>100 Naixement<=100 Defunció>100 Defunció<=100 Neteja Nom GIVN SURN Naixement Indret Defunció Edat Indret SEX BIRT DEAT TREE 1 Eschwege, Eugen oo Delzchen gen Tekla Levi Eugen,Eschwege Eschwege,Eugen 0 M YES N R
2 Eschwege, Nathan oo Feilchen Fanny Wertheim Pare: Eschwege, Simon oo Malchen Abt Mare: Abt, Malchen oo Simon Eschwege
Nathan,Eschwege Eschwege,Nathan 189 0 M YES YES
3 Eschwege, Simon oo Malchen Abt Simon,Eschwege Eschwege,Simon 1 M YES YES R
Noms de pilaMostra els pares Total persones: 3GIVN SURN Mostra gràfiques estadístiques SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1943 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred 0 Error occurred on line 1947 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade 1 called from line 405 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table 2 called from line 285 of file indilist.php