Esther Abt oo Salomon Sallomann GoldschmidtAge: 671778–1845
- Name
- Esther Abt oo Salomon Sallomann Goldschmidt
- Surname
- Abt
- Given names
- Esther
- Name suffix
- oo Salomon Sallomann Goldschmidt
Birth | 1778 |
Birth of a son #1 | 1816 (Age 38) |
Death of a son | 22 February 1830 (Age 52) |
Burial of a son | 25 February 1830 (Age 52) |
Death of a husband | 11 April 1832 (Age 54) |
Burial of a husband | 13 April 1832 (Age 54) |
Death | 2 April 1845 (Age 67) |
Burial | 4 April 1845 (2 days after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 777
Family navigator
Immediate Family | |
Salomon Sallomannn Goldschmidt 1776–1832 |
Daniel Goldschmidt oo Betty Rothschild 1816–1889 |
Leiser Goldschmidt –1830 |