Yaci SüßkindAge: 69 years1955–
- Name
- Yaci Süßkind
- Surname
- Süßkind
- Given names
- Yaci
Birth | April 12, 1955 42 40 |
Death of a mother | March 28, 1979 (Age 23) |
Death of a father | |
Extra information
Hit Count: 466
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Siegfried Karl Süßkind 1912– |
Gertrude Traudel Levi 1914–1979 |
Dan Süßkind 1944– |
Gidon Süßkind – |
Yaci Süßkind 1955– |
Immediate Family | |
Aryeh Keller 1946– |
Maayan Keller – |
Almog Keller – |