Herz SternAge: 161850–1866
- Name
- Herz Stern
- Surname
- Stern
- Given names
- Herz
Birth | February 3, 1850 ![]() |
Birth of a brother | September 28, 1852 (Age 2) |
Death of a brother | December 27, 1853 (Age 3) |
Birth of a brother | December 24, 1854 (Age 4) |
Death of a brother | May 26, 1855 (Age 5) |
Burial of a brother | May 28, 1855 (Age 5) |
Death of a brother | October 23, 1855 (Age 5) |
Burial of a brother | October 26, 1855 (Age 5) |
Birth of a brother | May 23, 1856 (Age 6) |
Birth of a brother | April 11, 1858 (Age 8) |
Death of a brother | April 15, 1858 (Age 8) |
Burial of a brother | April 16, 1858 (Age 8) |
Birth of a sister | August 13, 1859 (Age 9) |
Birth of a sister | March 21, 1862 (Age 12) |
Death of a father | January 24, 1865 (Age 14) |
Death | October 1, 1866 (Age 16) |
Burial | October 3, 1866 (2 days after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 1009
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Marcus Stern 1811–1865 |
Lea Flörsheim oo Marcus Stern – |
Isaac Stern 1840– |
Gidel Stern 1842– |
Samuel Stern 1844– |
Heli Stern II 1846–1853 |
Bernhard Stern 1848– |
![]() |
Herz Stern 1850–1866 |
Baruch Stern 1852–1855 |
Aaron Adolph Stern 1854–1855 |
Emanuel Stern 1856– |
ohne Namen Stern 1858–1858 |
Caroline Stern oo Dörnberg 1859–1942 |
Matthilde Stern 1862– |
Julie Stern oo Levy Braunschweiger – |