Bertha GoldschmidtAge: 41901–1905
- Name
- Bertha Goldschmidt
- Surname
- Goldschmidt
- Given names
- Bertha
Birth | July 25, 1901 34 |
Birth of a sister | August 19, 1903 (Age 2) |
Death of a sister | April 3, 1904 (Age 2) |
Burial of a sister | April 5, 1904 (Age 2) |
Birth of a sister | October 12, 1904 (Age 3) |
Death | August 14, 1905 (Age 4) |
Burial | August 16, 1905 (2 days after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 744
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Louis Goldschmidt 1867– |
Hilda Werner oo Louis Goldschmidt – |
Herbert Goldschmidt 1899–1975 |
Helma Goldschmidt 1900–1918 |
Bertha Goldschmidt 1901–1905 |
Hetti Goldschmidt 1903–1904 |
Edith Goldschmidt 1904–1993 |