Simon Levi Wertheim oo Gidel RothschildAge: 681778–1846
- Name
- Simon Levi Wertheim oo Gidel Rothschild
- Surname
- Wertheim
- Given names
- Simon Levi
- Name suffix
- oo Gidel Rothschild
Birth | 1778 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 1811 (Age 33) |
Birth of a son #2 | 1814 (Age 36) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | 1821 (Age 43) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | 4 March 1824 (Age 46) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | 27 February 1832 (Age 54) |
Death of a daughter | 27 February 1832 (Age 54) |
Burial of a daughter | 28 February 1832 (Age 54) |
Death of a wife | 3 March 1832 (Age 54) |
Burial of a wife | 5 March 1832 (Age 54) |
Death | 28 June 1846 (Age 68) |
Burial | 30 June 1846 (2 days after death) |
Extra information
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