Herz Wertheimسن: ١٨٠١–٣١١
- نام
- Herz Wertheim
- Surname
- Wertheim
- Given names
- Herz
Death | ٣١١ (سن ![]() |
Birth | ١٨٠١ ![]() |
Birth of a daughter #1 | ٦ فوریه ١٨٣٥ (d after death) |
Birth of a son #2 | ٣ ژانویه ١٨٣٧ (d after death) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | ٢٤ دسامبر ١٨٣٨ (d after death) |
Birth of a son #4 | ١١ دسامبر ١٨٤٠ (d after death) |
Birth of a son #5 | ٢١ ژوئن ١٨٤٢ (d after death) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | ١١ آوریل ١٨٤٤ (d after death) |
Birth of a son #7 | ٢٥ فوریه ١٨٤٥ (d after death) |
Birth of a son #8 | ٢١ اکتبر ١٨٤٦ (d after death) |
Birth of a son #9 | ٢٤ دسامبر ١٨٤٨ (d after death) |
Birth of a son #10 | ٢٤ فوریه ١٨٥٠ (d after death) |
Burial | ٢ ژانویه ١٨٥٣ (d after death) |
Extra information
تعداد بازدید: 1390
Family navigator
خانواده با پدر و مادر | |
Jacob Levi Wertheim – |
Rachel Amschel Leib oo Jacob Levi Wertheim ١٧٦٥–١٨٣٧ |
![]() |
Herz Wertheim ١٨٠١–٣١١ |
Immediate Family | |
Delzchen Heß oo Herz Wertheim ١٨٠٧–١٨٧١ |
Feilchen Fanny Wertheim oo Nathan Eschwege ١٨٣٥– |
Rechel Wertheim oo Israel Rothschild ١٨٣٨– |
Honas Wertheim ١٨٤٠–١٨٤١ |
Abraham Wertheim ١٨٤٢–١٩١٨ |
ohne Namen Wertheim ١٨٤٤–١٨٤٤ |
ohne Namen Wertheim ١٨٤٥–١٨٤٥ |
IsaacWertheim ١٨٤٦– |
ohne Namen Wertheim ١٨٤٨–١٨٤٨ |
Meier Wertheim ١٨٥٠– |
Jacob Wertheim ١٨٣٧–١٩٠٦ |
Wertheim, Herz (١٨٠١–٣١١)
Heß, Delzchen oo Herz Wertheim (Marriage 1833)
Wertheim, Feilchen Fanny oo Nathan Eschwege (١٨٣٥–)
Wertheim, Rechel oo Israel Rothschild (١٨٣٨–)
Wertheim, Honas (١٨٤٠–١٨٤١)
Wertheim, Abraham (١٨٤٢–١٩١٨)
Wertheim, ohne Namen (١٨٤٤–١٨٤٤)
Wertheim, ohne Namen (١٨٤٥–١٨٤٥)
Wertheim,Isaac (١٨٤٦–)
Wertheim, ohne Namen (١٨٤٨–١٨٤٨)
Wertheim, Meier (١٨٥٠–)
Wertheim, Jacob (١٨٣٧–١٩٠٦)