Bertha OppenheimAge: 109 years1915–
- Name
- Bertha Oppenheim
- Surname
- Oppenheim
- Given names
- Bertha
Birth | July 3, 1915 46 39 |
Death of a sister | June 12, 1916 (Age 11 months) |
Burial of a sister | June 14, 1916 (Age 11 months) |
Death of a father | April 17, 1943 (Age 27) |
Death of a mother | June 14, 1944 (Age 28) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 514
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Willi Oppenheim oo Mathilde Tannenberg 1868–1943 |
Mathilde Tannenberg oo Willi Oppenheim 1875–1944 |
Johanna Oppenheim 1906–1916 |
Bertha Oppenheim 1915– |