Mathilde LindauAge: 711870–1942
- Name
- Mathilde Lindau
- Surname
- Lindau
- Given names
- Mathilde
Birth | October 10, 1870 ![]() ![]() |
Birth of a brother | March 9, 1872 (Age 16 months) |
Death of a sister | May 18, 1872 (Age 19 months) |
Burial of a sister | May 20, 1872 (Age 19 months) |
Birth of a brother | November 22, 1874 (Age 4) |
Birth of a brother | January 21, 1877 (Age 6) |
Birth of a sister | November 30, 1877 (Age 7) |
Birth of a sister | October 12, 1878 (Age 8) |
Birth of a brother | June 23, 1880 (Age 9) |
Birth of a brother | April 7, 1882 (Age 11) |
Death of a brother | August 2, 1882 (Age 11) |
Burial of a brother | August 4, 1882 (Age 11) |
Birth of a sister | January 14, 1884 (Age 13) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | July 12, 1884 (Age 13) |
Birth of a sister | August 17, 1888 (Age 17) |
Death of a father | December 22, 1915 (Age 45) |
Death of a brother | October 26, 1917 (Age 47) |
Death of a mother | March 1921 (Age 50) |
Death of a sister | September 15, 1925 (Age 54) |
Burial of a sister | September 17, 1925 (Age 54) |
Death | September 29, 1942 (Age 71) |
Death of a brother | 1942 (Age 71) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 667
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Susmann Lindau 1842–1915 |
Hannchen Johanna Abt oo Susmann Lindau 1843–1921 |
Selma Lindau 1869–1872 |
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Mathilde Lindau 1870–1942 |
Willi Lindau 1872– |
Louis Lindau oo Frieda Simon 1874–1944 |
Moritz Lindau 1877–1942 |
Selma Lindau oo Isaac Neuhaus 1877–1925 |
Meda Lindau 1878–1950 |
Hermann Lindau 1880–1882 |
Sally Lindau oo Martha Baumgarten 1882–1917 |
Adele Lindau 1884–1956 |
Alma Lindau 1888–1964 |