Herz WertheimAge: 1801–311
- Name
- Herz Wertheim
- Surname
- Wertheim
- Given names
- Herz
Death | 311 (Age ![]() |
Birth | 1801 ![]() |
Birth of a daughter #1 | February 6, 1835 (1524 years after death) |
Birth of a son #2 | January 3, 1837 (1526 years after death) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | December 24, 1838 (1527 years after death) |
Birth of a son #4 | December 11, 1840 (1529 years after death) |
Birth of a son #5 | June 21, 1842 (1531 years after death) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | April 11, 1844 (1533 years after death) |
Birth of a son #7 | February 25, 1845 (1534 years after death) |
Birth of a son #8 | October 21, 1846 (1535 years after death) |
Birth of a son #9 | December 24, 1848 (1537 years after death) |
Birth of a son #10 | February 24, 1850 (1539 years after death) |
Burial | January 2, 1853 (1542 years after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 1386
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Jacob Levi Wertheim – |
Rachel Amschel Leib oo Jacob Levi Wertheim 1765–1837 |
![]() |
Herz Wertheim 1801–311 |
Immediate Family | |
Delzchen Heß oo Herz Wertheim 1807–1871 |
Feilchen Fanny Wertheim oo Nathan Eschwege 1835– |
Rechel Wertheim oo Israel Rothschild 1838– |
Honas Wertheim 1840–1841 |
Abraham Wertheim 1842–1918 |
ohne Namen Wertheim 1844–1844 |
ohne Namen Wertheim 1845–1845 |
IsaacWertheim 1846– |
ohne Namen Wertheim 1848–1848 |
Meier Wertheim 1850– |
Jacob Wertheim 1837–1906 |
Wertheim, Herz (1801–311)
Heß, Delzchen oo Herz Wertheim (Marriage 1833)
Wertheim, Feilchen Fanny oo Nathan Eschwege (1835–)
Wertheim, Rechel oo Israel Rothschild (1838–)
Wertheim, Honas (1840–1841)
Wertheim, Abraham (1842–1918)
Wertheim, ohne Namen (1844–1844)
Wertheim, ohne Namen (1845–1845)
Wertheim,Isaac (1846–)
Wertheim, ohne Namen (1848–1848)
Wertheim, Meier (1850–)
Wertheim, Jacob (1837–1906)