Schreiner Salomon Oppenheim oo Jette BacharachAge: 751801–1876
- Name
- Schreiner Salomon Oppenheim oo Jette Bacharach
- Surname
- Oppenheim
- Given names
- Schreiner Salomon
- Name suffix
- oo Jette Bacharach
Birth | 1801 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 4 March 1838 (Age 37) |
Marriage | Jette Güta Bacharach oo Salomon Oppenheim - View Family 6 September 1839 (Age 38) |
Birth of a son #2 | 13 October 1840 (Age 39) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | 6 May 1844 (Age 43) |
Birth of a son #4 | 1 January 1846 (Age 45) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | 12 April 1847 (Age 46) |
Death of a daughter | 20 September 1848 (Age 47) |
Burial of a daughter | 23 September 1848 (Age 47) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | 26 November 1848 (Age 47) |
Birth of a daughter #7 | 5 August 1850 (Age 49) |
Birth of a daughter #8 | 7 June 1852 (Age 51) |
Birth of a son #9 | 2 July 1854 (Age 53) |
Birth of a son #10 | 5 April 1858 (Age 57) |
Birth of a daughter #11 | 19 September 1860 (Age 59) |
Birth of a son #12 | 20 December 1861 (Age 60) |
Death of a son | 27 December 1861 (Age 60) |
Burial of a son | 30 December 1861 (Age 60) |
Birth of a son #13 | 20 August 1863 (Age 62) |
Death of a wife | 12 January 1874 (Age 73) |
Burial of a wife | 15 January 1874 (Age 73) |
Marriage of a daughter | 26 August 1875 (Age 74) |
Death | 25 August 1876 (Age 75) |
Burial | 28 August 1876 (3 days after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 1156
Family navigator
Immediate Family | |
Jette Güta Bacharach oo Salomon Oppenheim 1817–1874 |
Fradchen Oppenheim unehelich 1838– |
Moses Oppenheim 1840– |
Mindel Oppenheim-Oesterreicher 1844– |
Meier Oppenheim 1846– |
Esther Oppenheim 1847–1848 |
Hanchen Oppenheim 1848– |
Hindel Oppenheim 1850– |
Frommet Oppenheim 1852– |
Liebmann Oppenheim 1854– |
Siemon Oppenheim 1858– |
Sette Oppenheim 1860– |
Jacob Oppenheim 1861–1861 |
Jacob Oppenheim 1863– |
Oppenheim, Schreiner Salomon oo Jette Bacharach (1801–1876)
Bacharach, Jette Güta oo Salomon Oppenheim (Marriage 1839)
Oppenheim, Fradchen unehelich (1838–)
Oppenheim, Moses (1840–)
Oppenheim-Oesterreicher, Mindel (1844–)
Oppenheim, Meier (1846–)
Oppenheim, Esther (1847–1848)
Oppenheim, Hanchen (1848–)
Oppenheim, Hindel (1850–)
Oppenheim, Frommet (1852–)
Oppenheim, Liebmann (1854–)
Oppenheim, Siemon (1858–)
Oppenheim, Sette (1860–)
Oppenheim, Jacob (1861–1861)
Oppenheim, Jacob (1863–)