Isaac Neuhaus oo Selma LindauAge: 631876–1940
- Name
- Isaac Neuhaus oo Selma Lindau
- Surname
- Neuhaus
- Given names
- Isaac
- Name suffix
- oo Selma Lindau
Birth | September 22, 1876 ![]() ![]() Baumbach |
Birth of a brother | November 13, 1877 (Age 13 months) Baumbach |
Birth of a sister | February 8, 1880 (Age 3) Baumbach |
Death of a mother | January 13, 1905 (Age 28) Baumbach |
Birth of a daughter #1 | June 3, 1906 (Age 29) |
Birth of a son #2 | December 7, 1912 (Age 36) |
Birth of a son #3 | July 28, 1914 (Age 37) Bebra |
Birth of a daughter #4 | July 28, 1914 (Age 37) |
Death of a father | July 19, 1918 (Age 41) Baumbach |
Birth of a daughter #5 | October 25, 1918 (Age 42) Bebra |
Death of a wife | September 15, 1925 (Age 48) Bebra |
Burial of a wife | September 17, 1925 (Age 48) Bebra |
Death | 1940 (Age 63) Florida/Südafrika |
Extra information
Hit Count: 453
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Geisel Neuhaus oo Gudchen Wallach 1846–1918 |
Gudchen Wallach oo Geisel Neuhaus 1848–1905 |
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Isaac Neuhaus oo Selma Lindau 1876–1940 |
Ruckchen Neuhaus 1873– |
Levi Neuhaus 1875– |
Moses Neuhaus 1877– |
Bertha Neuhaus 1880– |
Immediate Family | |
Selma Lindau oo Isaac Neuhaus 1877–1925 |
Gerta Neuhaus oo Max Rothfels 1906– |
Hugo Neuhaus 1912– |
Max Neuhaus Zwilling von Frieda 1914–1970 |
Frieda Neuhaus Zwilling von Max 1914–1962 |
Ruth Neuhaus 1918– |
Immediate Family | |
… Lindau – |
Immediate Family | |
… Lindau – |