Ilse Abraham ooFriedmanAge: 731914–1987
- Name
- Ilse Abraham ooFriedman
- Surname
- Abraham
- Given names
- Ilse
- Name suffix
- ooFriedman
Birth | January 1, 1914 ![]() ![]() Bebra |
Death of a maternal grandmother | March 19, 1926 (Age 12) Bebra |
Death of a mother | KZ Auschwitz |
Death of a maternal grandfather | March 26, 1934 (Age 20) Bebra |
Marriage | Willy Friedman - View Family December 14, 1936 (Age 22) |
Death of a father | January 8, 1939 (Age 25) Frankfurt am Main |
Death of a brother | 1944 (Age 30) KZ Bergen-Belzen |
Death of a husband | 1978 (Age 64) Oakland/USA |
Death | July 1987 (Age 73) Oakland/USA |
Extra information
Hit Count: 508