Hanchen Goldstein oo Joseph OppenheimAge: 801841–1921
- Name
- Hanchen Goldstein oo Joseph Oppenheim
- Surname
- Goldstein
- Given names
- Hanchen
- Name suffix
- oo Joseph Oppenheim
Birth | August 13, 1841 Felsberg |
Marriage | Joseph Oppenheim - View Family January 15, 1868 (Age 26) Bebra |
Death of a husband | August 11, 1908 (Age 66) Bebra |
Burial of a husband | August 14, 1908 (Age 67) Bebra |
Death | December 1, 1921 (Age 80) Bebra |
Burial | December 4, 1921 (3 days after death) Bebra |
Extra information
Hit Count: 619