Reni Ochs oo Walter KatzAge: 371903–1941
- Name
- Reni Ochs oo Walter Katz
- Surname
- Ochs
- Given names
- Reni
- Name suffix
- oo Walter Katz
Birth | February 18, 1903 Eisenach |
Birth of a son #1 | November 26, 1928 (Age 25) Bebra |
Death | 1941 (Age 37) Ghetto Lodz |
Death of a husband | 1941 (on the date of death) Ghetto Lodz |
Death of a son | 1941 (on the date of death) Ghetto Lodz verschollen |
Extra information
Hit Count: 647
Family navigator
Immediate Family | |
Walter Katz oo Reni Ochs 1895–1941 |
Alfred Katz 1928–1941 |