David BlumenstielAge: 131832–1846
- Name
- David Blumenstiel
- Surname
- Blumenstiel
- Given names
- David
Birth | November 14, 1832 |
Birth of a sister | August 10, 1834 (Age 20 months) Ein Zwilling |
Birth of a sister | August 10, 1834 (Age 20 months) Ein Zwilling |
Birth of a sister | January 9, 1836 (Age 3) |
Birth of a brother | October 14, 1841 (Age 8) |
Birth of a brother | May 17, 1844 (Age 11) |
Birth of a sister | January 17, 1846 (Age 13) |
Death of a brother | January 24, 1846 (Age 13) lt. Sterbereg. [Eintrag im Geb.-Reg.] |
Death of a brother | February 8, 1846 (Age 13) lt. Sterbereg. [Eintrag im Geb.-Reg.] |
Death | May 14, 1846 (Age 13) lt. Stebereg. [Eintrag im Geb.-Reg.] |
Extra information
Hit Count: 755
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Löb Blumenstiel – |
Jütel Nußbaum-Blumenstiel Jette – |
Jete ? Blumenstiel 1825– |
Isac Blumenstiel 1828– |
Jette Blumenstiel 1829– |
Jendel Blumenstiel 1830– |
David Blumenstiel 1832–1846 |
Mariann Blumenstiel 1834– |
Tögel Blumenstiel 1834– |
Besche Blumenstiel 1836– |
Hirsch Blumenstiel 1841–1846 |
Seelig Blumenstiel 1844–1846 |
Rebeka Blumenstiel 1846– |