Joseph SOMMERAge: 521837–1889
- Name
- Joseph SOMMER
- Surname
- Given names
- Joseph
Birth | June 25, 1837 30 26 |
Birth of a brother | July 29, 1839 (Age 2) |
Death of a brother | January 3, 1840 (Age 2) |
Burial of a brother | January 5, 1840 (Age 2) |
Birth of a brother | October 28, 1840 (Age 3) |
Birth of a sister | December 21, 1842 (Age 5) |
Death of a brother | November 23, 1844 (Age 7) |
Burial of a brother | November 25, 1844 (Age 7) |
Birth of a brother | February 25, 1845 (Age 7) |
Birth of a sister | January 25, 1847 (Age 9) |
Death of a brother | January 12, 1848 (Age 10) |
Burial of a brother | January 14, 1848 (Age 10) |
Birth of a sister | September 5, 1850 (Age 13) |
Birth of a sister | July 1853 (Age 16) |
Death of a sister | July 18, 1853 (Age 16) |
Burial of a sister | July 20, 1853 (Age 16) |
Birth of a brother | February 6, 1855 (Age 17) |
Death of a brother | June 24, 1857 (Age 19) |
Burial of a brother | June 26, 1857 (Age 20) |
Death of a mother | April 11, 1859 (Age 21) |
Death of a father | October 10, 1859 (Age 22) |
Marriage | Brune PLAUT x - View Family June 18, 1861 (Age 23) Guxhagen |
Death | July 27, 1889 (Age 52) |
Burial | July 29, 1889 (2 days after death) |
Extra information
Hit Count: 658
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Abraham SOMMER Viehhändler 1806–1859 |
Zerle LEVI 24 Jahre 1811–1859 |
Brune SOMMER 1836–1836 |
Joseph SOMMER 1837–1889 |
Wolf SOMMER 1839–1840 |
Leiser SOMMER 1840–1844 |
Jittel SOMMER 1842– |
Moses SOMMER 1845–1848 |
Ettel SOMMER 1847– |
Mindel SOMMER 1850– |
ohne Namen SOMMER 1853–1853 |
Meier SOMMER 1855–1857 |
Immediate Family | |
Brune PLAUT x 1838– |