Joseph OppenheimAge: 671840–1908
- Name
- Joseph Oppenheim
- Surname
- Oppenheim
- Given names
- Joseph
Birth | September 24, 1840 ![]() |
Birth of a brother | December 31, 1841 (Age 15 months) |
Birth of a sister | April 11, 1843 (Age 2) |
Birth of a brother | September 2, 1844 (Age 3) Bebra |
Birth of a sister | April 30, 1846 (Age 5) Bebra |
Death of a sister | August 23, 1847 (Age 6) Bebra |
Burial of a sister | August 25, 1847 (Age 6) Bebra |
Birth of a brother | October 1, 1847 (Age 7) |
Death of a brother | January 22, 1848 (Age 7) Bebra |
Birth of a brother | March 17, 1849 (Age 8) |
Birth of a brother | October 6, 1850 (Age 10) |
Death of a brother | December 26, 1850 (Age 10) Bebra |
Burial of a brother | December 27, 1850 (Age 10) Bebra |
Birth of a sister | July 16, 1852 (Age 11) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | March 1853 (Age 12) Bebra |
Birth of a brother | January 23, 1856 (Age 15) |
Marriage | Hanchen Goldstein oo Joseph Oppenheim - View Family January 15, 1868 (Age 27) Bebra |
Death of a father | September 19, 1883 (Age 42) Bebra |
Death of a mother | May 24, 1892 (Age 51) Bebra |
Death | August 11, 1908 (Age 67) Bebra |
Burial | August 14, 1908 (3 days after death) Bebra |
Extra information
Hit Count: 735
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Markus Oppenheim oo Sarchen Tannenberg 1806–1883 |
Sarchen Tannenberg oo Marcus Oppenheim –1892 |
Elkel Elica Oppenheim oo Hartmann 1839–1911 |
![]() |
Joseph Oppenheim 1840–1908 |
Moses Oppenheim 1841–1923 |
Ester Oppenheim 1843– |
Simon Oppenheim 1844–1850 |
Beile Oppenheim 1846–1847 |
Manus Oppenheim 1847–1848 |
Jacob Oppenheim 1849– |
Levy Oppenheim 1850– |
Hanchen Oppenheim oo fritz Stutzinger 1852–1922 |
Bezabel Oppenheim 1856– |
Immediate Family | |
Hanchen Goldstein oo Joseph Oppenheim 1841–1921 |