Janchen Marjane Abt oo Leib OppenheimAge: 521833–1886
- Name
- Janchen Marjane Abt oo Leib Oppenheim
- Surname
- Abt
- Given names
- Janchen Marjane
- Name suffix
- oo Leib Oppenheim
Birth | May 13, 1833 ![]() ![]() Melsungen |
Marriage | Leib Oppenheim oo Rechel Weinstein oo Janchen Marjane Abt - View Family October 20, 1850 (Age 17) Bebra |
Birth of a son #1 | October 17, 1851 (Age 18) Bebra |
Birth of a son #2 | March 2, 1853 (Age 19) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | October 11, 1854 (Age 21) Bebra |
Birth of a daughter #4 | January 24, 1856 (Age 22) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | April 18, 1858 (Age 24) |
Birth of a son #6 | October 28, 1859 (Age 26) |
Death of a daughter | May 9, 1860 (Age 26) Bebra |
Burial of a daughter | May 11, 1860 (Age 26) Bebra |
Birth of a son #7 | April 3, 1861 (Age 27) |
Birth of a son #8 | October 5, 1862 (Age 29) Bebra |
Birth of a daughter #9 | July 21, 1864 (Age 31) Bebra |
Death of a daughter | July 25, 1864 (Age 31) Bebra |
Burial of a daughter | July 27, 1864 (Age 31) Bebra |
Birth of a son #10 | April 8, 1867 (Age 33) |
Birth of a daughter #11 | August 9, 1875 (Age 42) |
Death of a son | October 11, 1875 (Age 42) Bebra |
Burial of a son | October 13, 1875 (Age 42) Bebra |
Marriage of a daughter | July 12, 1879 (Age 46) Bebra |
Marriage of a son | May 24, 1880 (Age 47) Bebra |
Death of a husband | October 15, 1882 (Age 49) Bebra |
Burial of a husband | October 17, 1882 (Age 49) Bebra |
Death | March 1, 1886 (Age 52) Bebra |
Burial | March 3, 1886 (2 days after death) Bebra |
Extra information
Hit Count: 486
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Benjamin Abt oo Giedel Tannenbaum 1806– |
Giedel Tannenbaum oo Benjamin Abt 1806– |
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Janchen Marjane Abt oo Leib Oppenheim 1833–1886 |
Immediate Family | |
Leib Oppenheim oo Rechel Weinstein oo Janchen Marjane Abt 1821–1882 |
Joseph Oppenheim oo Bertha Meierhof 1851–1935 |
Moses Oppenheim 1853– |
Settchen Oppenheim oo Salomon Goldschmidt 1854–1913 |
Bertha Oppenheim 1856– |
Emma Oppenheim 1858–1860 |
Isidor Oppenheim 1859–1875 |
Marcus Oppenheim 1861– |
Louis Oppenheim oo Jetchen Katzenstein 1862–1931 |
ohne Namen Oppenheim 1864–1864 |
Julius Oppenheim 1867–1893 |
Rosa Oppenheim oo Horn 1875–1942/43 |
Leib Oppenheim oo Rechel Weinstein oo Janchen Marjane Abt + Rechel Weinstein oo Leib Oppenheim | |
Leib Oppenheim oo Rechel Weinstein oo Janchen Marjane Abt 1821–1882 |
Rechel Weinstein oo Leib Oppenheim 1825–1849 |
Manus Oppenheim 1849– |
Abt, Janchen Marjane oo Leib Oppenheim (1833–1886)
Oppenheim, Leib oo Rechel Weinstein oo Janchen Marjane Abt (Marriage 1850)
Oppenheim, Joseph oo Bertha Meierhof (1851–1935)
Oppenheim, Moses (1853–)
Oppenheim, Settchen oo Salomon Goldschmidt (1854–1913)
Oppenheim, Bertha (1856–)
Oppenheim, Emma (1858–1860)
Oppenheim, Isidor (1859–1875)
Oppenheim, Marcus (1861–)
Oppenheim, Louis oo Jetchen Katzenstein (1862–1931)
Oppenheim, ohne Namen (1864–1864)
Oppenheim, Julius (1867–1893)
Oppenheim, Rosa oo Horn (1875–1942/43)