Mentel LöwenbergAge: 761769–1845
- Name
- Mentel Löwenberg
- Surname
- Löwenberg
- Given names
- Mentel
Birth | 1769 Obergrenzebach |
Birth of a son #1 | October 1813 (Age 44) |
Death of a wife | August 21, 1843 (Age 74) 68 Jahre alt |
Burial of a wife | August 23, 1843 (Age 74) |
Marriage of a son | February 12, 1845 (Age 76) |
Occupation | Handelsmann |
Death | April 26, 1845 (Age 76) Schenklengsfeld |
Extra information
Hit Count: 1042
Family navigator
Immediate Family | |
Hanna Meyer-Löwenberg 1775–1843 |
Auscher Löwenberg 1813–1897 |