Blümchen GoldschmidtAge: 9 months1834–1835
- Name
- Blümchen Goldschmidt
- Surname
- Goldschmidt
- Given names
- Blümchen
Birth | April 4, 1834 ![]() |
Death | January 13, 1835 (Age 9 months) Bebra |
Extra information
Hit Count: 726
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Honas Goldschmidt 1804–1869 |
Breinchen Katz oo Honas Goldschmidt –1898 |
![]() |
Blümchen Goldschmidt 1834–1835 |
Berla Goldschmidt 1835– |
Joseph Goldschmidt oo Amalie gen Malchen Grünthal 1838–1921 |
Leib Goldschmidt 1840– |
Bettie Goldschmidt 1841– |
Simon Goldschmidt 1844–1853 |
Ahron Goldschmidt 1845– |
Mendel Goldschmidt 1847– |
Susmann Goldschmidt 1849– |
Beilchen Goldschmidt 1851–1852 |
Salomon Goldschmidt 1853–1934 |
Father's Family with Sarchen Eliel oo Honas Goldschmidt | |
Honas Goldschmidt 1804–1869 |
Sarchen Eliel oo Honas Goldschmidt 1807–1832 |
Hanchen Goldschmidt 1830–1831 |
Leib Goldschmidt 1832–1832 |