Selma Oppenheim oo CohnAge: 541881–1935
- Name
- Selma Oppenheim oo Cohn
- Surname
- Oppenheim
- Given names
- Selma
- Name suffix
- oo Cohn
Birth | April 6, 1881 ![]() ![]() |
Birth of a sister | June 18, 1882 (Age 14 months) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | October 15, 1882 (Age 18 months) Bebra |
Birth of a brother | September 5, 1883 (Age 2) |
Birth of a brother | November 26, 1885 (Age 4) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | March 1, 1886 (Age 4) Bebra |
Birth of a brother | January 26, 1887 (Age 5) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | December 5, 1887 (Age 6) Volkmarsen |
Birth of a brother | December 21, 1888 (Age 7) |
Birth of a sister | June 30, 1892 (Age 11) |
Death of a mother | July 27, 1935 (Age 54) Bebra |
Death of a father | August 7, 1935 (Age 54) Bebra |
Death | December 28, 1935 (Age 54) Hofgeismar Siechenheim |
Burial | December 31, 1935 (3 days after death) Bebra |
Extra information
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