Salomon Katz Viehhändler–
- Name
- Salomon Katz Viehhändler
- Surname
- Katz
- Given names
- Salomon
- Name suffix
- Viehhändler
Birth of a son #1 | 1768 |
Birth of a son #2 | 1771 |
Marriage of a son | January 12, 1829 |
Death of a son | December 3, 1829 |
Burial of a son | December 4, 1829 |
Death of a son | January 28, 1837 |
Burial of a son | January 30, 1837 |
Extra information
Hit Count: 543
Family navigator
Immediate Family | |
Merle Levi – |
Meier Katz Viehhändler 1771–1829 |
Jesaias Katz Handelsmann Nothhändler 1768–1837 |